Digital Transformation of the
K-12 Educational Publishing Business
Check at what point of the transformation your market and your company are today.
Help us to draw a map of digital transformation and to create an educational e-publishing roadmap for the next 5 years.

What is the purpose of this survey?
Many industries are in the process of digital transformation. Most education publishers already offer a variety of digital content, but in most markets, printed textbooks are still the focus of their offering and digital content is only supplementary material. However, with the generational change among teachers, digital elements are starting to play an increasingly important role. In some of the most digitally developed markets, the quality of the digital components of a particular method or a textbook is a decisive factor in teacher’s choice of a specific publisher's offer.
In this survey, prepared with Worlddidac Association, we will ask for your current publishing experience and personal opinions on how the educational publishing market will develop. We encourage you to answer all the questions that will allow both you and us to identify the point in the digital transformation process where both your market and your company are today and how it will look like in the next 3 to 5 years' perspective.
Instruction & results
Short instruction
- The survey consists of 19 questions that will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
- In order to obtain reliable results, we encourage you to answer all the questions.
- However, if you do not want to answer a specific question, you may select the "Skip this question" button.
- With every question, there is a small tip on how to deliver the answer.
- After completing the questionnaire, click the "Submit" button to send your input and to gain insight into an extended analysis of the survey results.
Survey results
Based on the gathered data, together with the Worlddidac Association we will create a special summing-up report. It shall provide a reliable view on the digital transformation of the educational publishing business.
The official general summary of the report will be open-accessed, but
all respondents who answer the questions and provide their contact details at the end of this survey will receive a special, more detailed version of the analyzed material.
Confidentiality clause
All information you provide will be treated as confidential and we will not disclose your specific answers in the summary reports. At the end of the survey, you can decide if you agree your company to be mentioned as a participant or it prefers to stay anonymous.
Your opinion really matters!
It is an important voice that builds a broader perspective of the
K-12 educational publishing digital transformation.